The Buzz

How Can I Get the Most Out of My Beeswax Candles?

How Can I Get the Most Out of My Beeswax Candles?

Accidents happen! One of the amazing things about beeswax is that the mistakes we make while burning our candles can usually be remedied. Beeswax is precious - honey bees need to pollinate over 2 million flowers to make one pound of beeswax! We know you want to get the most out of your 100% beeswax candles, so here are a few common mistakes to avoid: Never Move Your Burning CandleWhile this…
Choosing The Right Beeswax Candle - Pillars

Choosing The Right Beeswax Candle - Pillars

Why Choose Pillars? Our beeswax pillars are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors! They are a long-burning staple that can be used for any occasion.Wax MemoryCandle wax and wick have a "memory" and will burn out to the same spot each time. To get the most out of your beeswax candle it is important for pillars to have a good first burn and establish a proper "memory ring" in the…