Which Type of Cotton Square Braid Wick Should I Use with Beeswax?

All of our square braid cotton wick is manufactured by Atkins & Pearce in the USA.

With 10 sizes of cotton square braid to choose from, how do you know which sizes will work best with the candles you want to make?  

Here's a guide for solid candles, but the best advice to finding the right wick is to test, test and test again! 

1/0 size wick for taper candles measuring approximately 1" wide

2/0 size wick for taper candles measuring approximately ¾" wide

3/0 size wick for thin taper candles measuring approximately ½" wide

4/0 size wick for thin candles measuring approximately ¼" wide

5/0 size wick for birthday size candles measuring approximately ⅛" wide

#1 size wick for taper candles or columns measuring approximately 1" to 1½" wide

#2 size wick for votives and candles measuring approximately 2" wide

#3 size wick for votives and pillar candles measuring approximately 2" to 3" wide

#4 size wick for pillar candles measuring approximately 3" to 3½" wide

#5 size wick for pillar candles measuring approximately 3" to 4" wide

When test burning your candles, remember to allow them to burn at least 1 hour per inch of width, so that the wax pool has a chance to reach the edge of the candle. 

If using glass jars, make sure the jar can handle the heat (canning jars like Ball work best, not jars you find in thrift stores).  Beeswax burns hotter than other waxes, the larger wicks can cause the glass to become very hot and possibly crack.

All beeswax is not the same and can depend on what and where the bees were visiting. Wicking and burn time will vary from batch to batch.

And finally, here is our guide for hand rolled candles. Again, the best way to find the right wick is to test!

1/0 size wick for a rolled beeswax candle measuring approximately 1" wide

2/0 size wick for a rolled beeswax candle measuring approximately ¾" wide

3/0 size wick for a rolled beeswax candle measuring approximately ½" wide

4/0 size wick for a rolled beeswax candle measuring approximately ½" wide

5/0 size wick for a rolled beeswax candle measuring approximately ¼" wide

 #1 size wick for a rolled beeswax candle measuring approximately 1½" wide

#2 size wick for a rolled beeswax candle measuring approximately 2" wide

#3 size wick for a rolled beeswax candle measuring approximately 3" wide

#4 size wick for a rolled beeswax candle measuring approximately 4" wide

#5 size wick for a rolled beeswax candle measuring approximately 5" wide

We have found it's best to start small and work your way up, be patient, and keep testing!

Please feel free to email or call if you have any questions regarding size!