Did you know- its not just people that need hugs?
Thats right, we've mentioned it in a few of our blogs about how to properly care for you beeswax pillar candles, but in case you missed it we're here to tell you once again- yes, your candles need hugs too!
Beeswax is a beautiful, natural resource and the better you understand what your candle is doing the better you will care for them and th…
We'll start by saying bloom is natural, and a great indication that you've gotten pure beeswax!Bloom is a whiteish, crystalline layer that forms on the surface of beeswax over time when the natural oils from the beeswax rise up to the surface and crystallize. Bloom can be opaque white or translucent and may vary depending on the color of the beeswax, humidity, temperature, even air pressure!&…
Beeswax is a cherished natural product and from the time its made in the hive to its collection by beekeepers, to when its filtered before distribution, it's a natural process - which we love! Because it is an all natural process from start to finish every batch of beeswax will have a slightly different smell. Understanding these nuances can help you appreciate the unique qualities of beeswax…