Storing your beeswax is simple!
Maybe you only like to burn your beeswax candles for a bit at a time, around a certain time of year, or use them just as decoration. Whatever the case may be let us help you store your candles properly so they last for years to come!
First things first- always trim your wick. We mention this in many of our blogs not just because we love to type but because its actually a valuable part of candle maintenance. Trimming the wick to 1/4" after it's been extinguished will keep it from breaking off too short or marking up the candle with black residue.
If you want to leave your candles out year round remember that a layer of bloom will develop around the outside over time. Don't worry, bloom is harmless and some people love the vintage look it gives beeswax. If you're interested, check out our Bloom Blog for some info on that!
If you aren't going to burn your candles again for a long time we also recommend storing them in a container for safe keeping. If the candle was previously lit, trim the wick to 1/4", let the candle cool completely, wrap it up with some parchment paper, wax paper, or soft lint-free cloth and store it in a box. Store this box in a cool dry place. This will keep the candles from scuffing or collecting dust. They will still produce bloom even when wrapped (see Bloom Blog above) but that can be wiped away with a soft cloth.
Reach out to us with any questions you may have about storing, burning, and enjoying your beeswax candles- we love hearing from you!